જવાબ : K2O, CO2, Al2O3, SiO2, BaO.
જવાબ : Scandium and Germanium.
જવાબ : Two other elements are scandium (Sc) and germanium (Ge). In their gaps, the elements with names Eka-boron and Eka-silicon were placed.
જવાબ : Mendeleev used atomic masses of the elements as the criteria for creating his periodic table. In this table, the elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic masses.
જવાબ : Chemical properties.
જવાબ : All the elements of a group of the Modern Periodic Table have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons in their outermost shell.
જવાબ : Modern Periodic Law states that properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic number.
જવાબ : Electro negativity of an element is the tendency of its atom to attract electrons towards itself when bonded to the atom of another element. So, the elements that are electronegative, i.e., tend to form bonds by gaining electrons are the non-metals. On the other hand, elements with low or negligible electro negativity are known as metals.
જવાબ : Gallium (Eka-aluminium) and germanium (Eka-silicon).
જવાબ : Eka-aluminium represents gallium (Ga) with valency three and Eka-silicon is for germanium (Ge) with valency four. The formulae of their respective chlorides are GaCl3 and GeCl4.
જવાબ : Eight (8).
જવાબ : F, Cl, Br, I, At.
જવાબ : Gold (Au) and platinum (Pt).
જવાબ : Ge < Ga Mg < Ca < K.
જવાબ : Henry Moseley, a scientist, proposed the Modern Periodic Law.
જવાબ : Groups are the vertical columns/vertical lines in the periodic table.
જવાબ : Periods are the horizontal rows in the periodic table.
જવાબ : Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He).
જવાબ : (a) ACl2
(b) AO.
જવાબ : These elements are called alkaline earths because their oxides are alkaline in nature and exist in the earth.
જવાબ : The second alkali metal is sodium (Na). Its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 1.
જવાબ : Those elements which show some properties of both metals and non-metals are called metalloids. Examples: Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium and Polonium.
જવાબ : Beryllium (Be, group II A) gold (Au, group II B) platinum (Pt, group VIII).
જવાબ : The elements are: arsenic (As) antimony (Sb) germanium (Ge).
જવાબ : Helium.
જવાબ : The most metallic elements is francium (group 1) and most non-metallic element is fluorine (group 17).
જવાબ : Lithium (Li), Beryllium (Be) and Boron (B) are the metal elements among first ten elements in the Modern Periodic Table.
જવાબ : They have the same number of shells.
જવાબ : The element with configuration 2, 8, 6 (Z = 16) is sulphur. It belongs to the oxygen family.
જવાબ : According to Dobereiner triad, atomic mass of strontium is the arithmetic means of Ca and Ba as strontium lies between Ca and Ba.
Atomic mass of Sr = 40+1372=1772=88.5
જવાબ : Oxygen is divalent in nature. The valency of magnesium in magnesium oxide is + 2. The formula of magnesium chloride is MgCl2 since chlorine has valency equal to one.
જવાબ : This statement is wrong. The number of valence electrons in an element of group 17 = 17 – 10 = 7.
Therefore, the valency of the element = 8 – 7 = 1.
જવાબ : Gold (Au) Platinum (Pt).
જવાબ : No, they should be placed in the same slot because the modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of the elements.
જવાબ : Elements of first group have one valence electron each in their atoms. All the elements of group 1 have the same valency of 1.
જવાબ : All elements belonging to group 1 have one electron in the valence shell while all elements belonging to group 2 have two electrons in their valence shell.
જવાબ : The electronic distribution in elements ‘A’ and ‘Y’ are 2, 1 and 2, 8, 7 respectively. Both have valency equal to 1. The formula of the compound is AY.
જવાબ : Valence electrons.
જવાબ : X2O3.
જવાબ : Ionic bond.
જવાબ : Dobereiner
જવાબ : Atomic mass
જવાબ : Atomic no.
જવાબ : (a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) decreases
જવાબ : Position
જવાબ : 17
જવાબ : 12th
જવાબ : Period
જવાબ : Increases, decreases
જવાબ : Right
જવાબ : The position of the element hydrogen is still not clear even in the Modern Periodic Table.
In electronic configuration, it resembles alkali metals of group 1. All of them have only one electron in the valence shell. Actually, hydrogen has only one shell (K-shell) which has one electron. In characteristics, it resembles halogens of group 17. For example, like halogens hydrogen is a non-metal and diatomic as well. It has been therefore, decided to assign hydrogen a unique position in the Modern or Long Form Periodic Table. It is placed at the top in group 1 of alkali metals. However, it is not a member of that group.જવાબ : Since element “X’ is placed in group 14, therefore, its valency is 14 – 10 = 4. Further, since it is difficult to either lose all the four valence electrons or gain four more electrons, therefore, it prefers to share these four electrons to acquire the stable electronic configuration of the nearest inert gas. Its formula will be XCl4. Thus, the nature of the chloride of element ‘X’ is covalent.
જવાબ : Atomic number corresponds to the number of electron in an atom or it reflects the electronic configuration of the element. The elements having similar electronic configurations can then be placed together in the same group, it helps in the systematic classification of elements.
On the other hand, the atomic mass of an element does not provide the electronic configuration of an element, so atomic number is more fundamental property for classification of elements.જવાબ : The electronic configuration of an atom of an element gives its position in the modern periodic table.
(i) The ‘period number’ of an element is equal to the number of electron shells in its atom.
જવાબ : (i) All the elements in a particular group have similar outer shell electronic configuration. Since chemical properties of an element are determined mainly by the outer shell configuration, all the elements in a group have similar chemical properties.
(ii) All the elements in a period have different valence shell electronic configuration because they have different number of electrons in the valence shell. Hence, the elements in a period have different chemical properties.જવાબ :
જવાબ :
જવાબ : Number of groups is 18 and number of periods in the modern periodic table is 7.
(a) All the elements in a group have the same valency. On going down in a group, the atomic size increases because a new shell of electrons is added to the atoms at every step.
જવાબ : (i) From the above given electronic configuration we find that element X has 6 valence electrons in the outermost shell), so the group number of element X in the periodic table is 6 + 10 = 16.
(ii) Element X has 3 electron shells (K, L and M) in its atom, so the period number of X is 3. That is, X belongs to 3rd period of the periodic table. (iii) Element X has 6 valence electrons. (iv) Element X has 6 valence electrons so it needs 2 more electrons to complete its octet (8 electrons in valence shell) and become stable. Thus, the valency of element X is 2.જવાબ : (i) The electronic configuration of element X (Z = 12) = 2, 8, 2
The electronic configuration of element Y (Z = 17) = 2, 8, 7
જવાબ : X and Y belong to same period.
જવાબ : (a) Since the elements have one valence electron, they are placed in group 1 (Alkali metals) in the order Li (period = 2); Na (period = 3); K (period = 4).
(b) Since the reactivity of the elements increases down a group, the element Li is the least reactive chemically. (c) Since the atomic size increases down a group, the element K has the large atomic size or atomic radius out of these elements.જવાબ : The element with atomic number Z = 16 is sulphur. The electronic configuration of the element is 2, 8, 6.
(i) The number of valence electrons is 6
(ii) The valency of the element is 2 (8 – 6 = 2)
(iii) The group number of the element is 16.
(iv) The element is a non-metal.
(v) Since the element is non-metal, its oxide is acidic in nature. Actually, two oxides are formed. These are SO2 and SO3. Both are of acidic nature.
(vi) The formula of the chloride is SCl2.
જવાબ : The vertical columns in a periodic table are called groups.
(i) All the elements of a group have the same number of valence electrons.
(ii) On moving down in a group the number of occupied (filled) shells increases gradually.
(iii) On going down in a group the size of atoms increases because a new shell of electrons is added to the atoms at every step.
(iv) On going down in a group the metallic character of elements increases.
(v) On moving down in a group, one more electron shell is added at every stage and size of the atom increases. Thus valence electrons move more and more away from the nucleus and hold of the nucleus or nuclear charge on valence electrons decreases.
જવાબ : a) The element X which is a yellow solid at room temperature and shows catenation and allotropy is sulphur (S).
(b) The atomic number of sulphur is 16. Therefore, its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 6. (c)જવાબ : (a) X belongs to Group 17 and 3rd Period.
Y belongs to Group 2 and 4th Period.
(b) X-non-metal and Y-metal.
(c) Basic oxide; Ionic bonding.
જવાબ : (a) As different elements were being discovered, scientists gathered more information about the properties of these elements. It was observed that it was difficult to organize all the information or properties of these elements. So scientists started discovering some pattern in their properties to classify all the known elements to make their study easier.
(b) Atomic mass and similarity of chemical properties (compounds formed by elements with oxygen and hydrogen) were the two criteria used by Mendeleev in his Periodic Table. (c) Mendeleev left some gaps in his Periodic Table as he predicted the existence of some elements that had not been discovered at that time. (d) Noble gases like helium, neon, argon, etc. were not mentioned in Mendeleev’s Periodic Table because these gases were discovered later as they are very inert and present in extremely low concentrations in our atmosphere. After the discovery of noble gases they could be placed in a new group without disturbing the existing order of the Periodic Table. (e) The Modem Periodic Table states that properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers, since Cl-35 and Cl-37 isotopes have the same atomic number (17), hence they will have same chemical properties even though their atomic masses are different. So, they should be placed in the same slot of the periodic table.જવાબ : (a) The element are: Neon (Z = 10), Calcium (Z = 20), Nitrogen (Z = 7) and Silicon (Z = 14).
(b) Group number: Neon (18), Calcium (2), Nitrogen (15), Silicon (14).
(c) Periods: Neon (2), Calcium (4), Fluorine (2), Silicon (3).
(d) Electronic Configuration: Neon (2, 8); Calcium (2, 8, 8, 2); Nitrogen (2, 5); Silicon (2, 8, 4).
(e) Valency: Neon (zero); Calcium (2); Nitrogen (3); Silicon (4).
જવાબ : (i) Organized approach always makes the work easier and quicker. Hence, classification makes the things easier.
(ii) Organized approach in classification of elements make the study easier and we get a group of elements with similar properties.જવાબ : Modern periodic table is based on the atomic number and atomic number is directly related to the electronic configuration. One can find the group number and period number of an element on the basis of electronic configuration. For example, if an element has 1 or 2 electrons in its outermost shell, then it would belong to group 1 or group 2. And if it has 3 or more electrons in its outermost shell, then it would belong to group 10 4- the number of electrons in the outermost shell.
All the alkali metals have one electron in their outermost shell, so they are placed in group 1. Thus, all the group 2 elements have 2 electrons in their outermost shell. In group 15 elements, there are 5 electrons in their outermost shell. Similarly, the number of shells in an element indicates its period number. For example, the atomic number of magnesium is 12 and its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 2. Thus it is an element of 3rd period.જવાબ :
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table | Modern Periodic Table |
(i) Elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic mass. | (i) Elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number. |
(ii) There are nine vertical columns called groups. | (ii) There are eighteen vertical columns called groups. |
(iii) There is no place for noble gases. | (iii) Noble gases are placed on the right hand side of the table. |
(iv) There is no place for isotopes. | (iv) Isotope is kept at the same place because their atomic number is same. |
(v) Transition elements are placed together in group VIII. | (v) Transition elements are placed in the middle of the long period (Group 3 to 12). |
જવાબ : The atomic number of calcium is 20, so its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 8, 2. Thus, calcium has 2 valence electrons (in its outermost shell). Now, the element which has 2 valence electrons, will have physical and chemical properties resembling to that of calcium. The electronic configuration of element having atomic number 12 is 2, 8, 2. It has 2 valence electrons just like calcium. So, the element having atomic number 12 will have physical and chemical properties resembling that of calcium.
જવાબ : Limitations of Newlands’ law of octaves:
(i) It was not applicable throughout the arrangements. It was applicable up to calcium only. The properties of the elements listed after calcium showed no resemblance to the properties of the elements above them. (ii) Those elements that were discovered after Newlands’ octaves did not follow the law of octaves. (iii) The position of cobalt and nickel in the group of the elements (F, Cl) of different properties could not be explained. (iv) Placing of iron far away from cobalt and nickel, which have similar properties as iron, could also not be explained.જવાબ : K is in group 1. Therefore, the oxide will be K2O.
C is in group 4. Therefore, the oxide will be CO2. Al is in group 3. Therefore, the oxide will be Al2O3. Si is in group 4. Therefore, the oxide will be SiO2. Ba is in group 2. Therefore, the oxide will be BaO.જવાબ : (a) Neon has two shells, both of which are completely filled with electrons (2 electrons in K shell and 8 electrons in L shell).
(b) Magnesium has the electronic configuration 2, 8, 2. (c) Silicon has a total of three shells, with four electrons in its valence shell (2 electrons in K shell, 8 electrons in L shell and 4 electrons in M shell). (d) Boron has a total of two shells, with three electrons in its valence shell (2 electrons in K shell and 3 electrons in L shell). (e) Carbon has twice as many electrons in its second shell as in its first shell (2 electrons in K shell and 4 electrons in L shell).જવાબ :
Mendeleev’s periodic table | Modern periodic table | ||
1. | Elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic masses. | 1. | Elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic numbers. |
2. | There are a total of 7 groups (columns) and 6 periods (rows). | 2. | There are a total of 18 groups (columns) and 7 periods (rows). |
3. | Elements having similar properties were placed directly under one another. | 3. | Elements having the same valence shell are present in the same period while elements having the same number of valence electrons are present in the same group. |
4. | The position of hydrogen could not be explained. | 4. | Hydrogen is placed above alkali metals. |
5. | No distinguishing positions for metals and non-metals. | 5. | Metals are present at the left hand side of the periodic table whereas non-metals are present at the right hand side. |
જવાબ : (i) Newlands law of octaves was applicable to the classification of elements up to calcium only. After calcium every eighth element did not possess the properties similar to that of the first element.
(ii) Newlands assumed that only 56 elements existed in nature and no more elements would be discovered in the future. But later on, several new elements were discovered whose properties did not fit into Newlands’ law of Octaves.
(iii) In order to fit elements into his table, Newlands put even two elements together in one slot and that too in the column of unlike elements having very different properties.
For example, the two elements cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) were put together in just one slot and that too in the column of elements like fluorine, chlorine and bromine which have very different properties from these elements.
(iv) Iron (Fe) element which resembles elements like cobalt and nickel in properties, was placed far away from these elements.
જવાબ : (i) The modern periodic table is based on atomic number, while Mendeleev’s periodic table was based on atomic mass.
(ii) The isotopes of an element have same number of protons (or atomic number). So they are allotted the same position in modern periodic table.
(iii) Cobalt and nickel are placed at 9th and 10th position respectively.
(iv) Hydrogen has been allotted special position, i.e., it is placed at the top of alkali metals in the first group.
જવાબ : (a) Lithium, sodium and potassium all belong to the same group. The atoms of lithium, sodium and potassium all have only one electron in their outermost shells and all of these are metals. All of these react with water to form alkalies.
(b) The atoms of helium and neon have their outermost shells completely filled. Helium has its first shell completely filled, while neon has its first and second shells (K and L) completely filled.
જવાબ : Electronic configuration of nitrogen -2,5
Electronic configuration of phosphorus = 2, 8, 5
Nitrogen will be more electronegative because outermost shell is nearer to nucleus and therefore nucleus will attract electrons more strongly. In a group of the periodic table, electron attracting tendency decreases as we move from top to bottom.
Column I |
Column II |
(a) Highest electronegativity |
(P) Caesium |
(b) Highest electron affinity |
(q) Ruthenium |
(c) Highest electro positivity |
(r) Fluorine |
(d) Highest oxidation number |
(s) Chlorine |
જવાબ :
Column I |
Column II |
(a) Highest electronegativity |
(r) Fluorine |
(b) Highest electron affinity |
(s) Chlorine |
(c) Highest electro positivity |
(P) Caesium |
(d) Highest oxidation number |
(q) Ruthenium |
Column I |
Column II |
(a) F |
(p) Metallic oxide |
(b) Na |
(q) Noble gas |
(c) Ne |
(r) group 1, alkali metal |
(d) Na2O |
(s) Halogen, group-17 |
જવાબ :
Column I |
Column II |
(a) F |
(s) Halogen, group-17 |
(b) Na |
(r) group 1, alkali metal |
(c) Ne |
(q) Noble gas |
(d) Na2O |
(p) Metallic oxide |
જવાબ :
Column I |
Column II |
(a) P |
(q) Mg |
(b) Q |
(s) O |
(c) R |
(r) Ne |
(d) T |
(P) P |
(e) U |
(t) Ar |
a. An element with atomic number 12. |
Tin |
b. Metal used in making cans and member of Group 14. |
Iodine |
c. lustrous non-metal which has 7 electrons in its outermost shell. |
Magnesium |
જવાબ :
a. Magnesium
b. Tin
c. Iodine
a. Highly reactive and soft metal which imparts yellow color when subjected to flame and is kept under kerosene. |
Astatine |
b. The first element of second Period. |
Iron |
c. An element which is used in making fluorescent bulbs and is the second member of Group 18 in the Modern Periodic Table. |
Lithium |
d. A radioactive element which is the last member of halogen family. |
Borone |
e. A metal which is an important constituent of steel and forms rust when exposed to moist air. |
Neon |
f. The first metalloid in Modem Periodic Table whose fibers are used in making bullet-proof vests. |
Sodium |
જવાબ :
a. Sodium
b. Lithium
c. Neon
d. Astatine
e. Iron
f. Boron
Column I |
Column II |
(i) Most electronegative element |
A. Nitrogen |
(ii) Group 16 element with largest atomic radius |
B. Polonium |
(iii) Group 14 element with smallest atomic radius |
C. Boron |
(iv) Group 13 element which is semiconductor |
D. Carbon |
(v) ‘ Group 15 element which can form triple bond |
E. Fluorine |
જવાબ :
(i) E
(ii) B
(iii) D
(iv) C
(v) A
જવાબ :
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